Monday, September 8, 2008

America, please, snap out of it...

"We, at our own peril underestimate the incredibly strong streak of mega delusional running through our collective experiment known as America... Complicity with being conned."

Visionary Activist, Caroline Casey, always informing the structure of reality for the good of everyone, on the Presidential Elections.

She likens Sarah Palin to a sorceress with odd energies at work, and states that what's bad about Palin is "...not who she is but what’s animating her."

Listen to Casey's awesome, refreshingly sharp September 4th talk on the Presidential Campaign shenanigans at Every week at 2pm on Thursdays, and streaming for your convenience in archives.

"Let's invite irony, but not sarcasm...
May everyone be surrounded by a fiery wall of their own better nature...
Empire going down.. collaborative ingenuity coming up...." Caroline Casey

And what I want to know is, why is Sarah Palin so anti-wolf? She votes again and again to have them killed and wiped out. And she votes again and again to have the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge drilled.

Don't vote for the drilling and killing ticket...

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